Saturday, July 19, 2008

Porter & Babydoll

Hi Karen!They are doing wonderfully! Baby Doll is still scared of everything, but she is warming up to me now. Porter is such a lover, he's trying hard to win her over! I've attached a couple of pics, they are both loving the living room window. :)

Thank you!

HHS NOTE: Thanks again Erin for adopting two special needs cats and giving them a loving home. Both of these guys are FIV+ and it's so nice to see them getting to live a normal life and picking the best places for a cat nap!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hi, my name is Murphy. I am the white dog in the picture. The black dog is my sister Phoebe, who is also a rescue dog. My family adopted me when I was just 12 weeks old in August 2006. When they brought me home I knew I was just going to love it there. At first my sister was not too fond of me, but we are best friends now. I am simply irresistible so she eventually gave me a chance. We are inseparable, well, only because I follow her around everywhere. She has taught me how to chase bunnies in the backyard. Actually, I don’t really chase the bunnies I just think it is fun to chase her when she goes after the bunnies. I love to snuggle with my mom, dad and sister when I am tired. I am very affectionate and I am always happy. My family says I am very funny too. I like to think I am just an all around good guy! My family is so good to me I wouldn’t trade them for all the doggie biscuits and walks in the world. Thank you to Heartland for finding me my forever home!


Murphy Walter


Karen -

You may not recognize my picture but you used to call me Bear. (I am the Big One) My Mom adopted me from Heartland about 8 years ago. Even though you told my Mom, that I would only get to be about 40 lbs; and I tip the scales at 90 lbs; she loves me anyway. I can look really mean and Bark REAL loud but all my Mom’s friends call me “The Gentle Giant”. We moved to 3 acres in New Melle 3 ½ years ago and my parents installed an electric fence. I get to roam my yard and chase squirrels, deer and birds, when I am not lounging. (When my Mom isn’t looking I sleep on the couch, but she yells if she catches me) My Mom brought home my little sister; Tobie, from the Humane Society 3 years ago. Dad was REALLY mad but he got over it pretty quick and now she is Daddy’s spoiled little girl. Even though we look like “the odd couple”, we are pretty much inseparable. It is fun having a little sister. I let her think she is in charge of me. Dad won’t let my Mom go near pet adoption centers anymore. My ‘human older sisters” both have babies now and I give them lot’s and lots of love and kisses. They don’t mind too much.

Well, I just thought I would let you know how I was doing, since you were so nice to me as my foster mom. I will never forget you.

Love Teddy (as in Bear)