Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ginger & Abby/French Fry & Chicken Nugget

Hi Angie, (I attached 2 pictures, hopefully they'll get thru)
I thought I'd give you an update on Ginger (calico) and Abby (the tabby). They are still movement shy, but they are making real progress. Ginger is letting me pet her a lot more now. Abby is still shy, but she's coming closer and takes canned food from me w/out a problem. They are happy and content, so I'm not concerned at all. I told them that I would get them a larger kitty bed, but they gave me a look that said 'why? This on is perfect.' Sharing is obviously not a problem. Ginger looks to be the same size as when I brought them home, but Abby seems to be taller. She is long and lean, with very long legs, but her eyes are still perfectly round. She's really quite elegant when she sits up and wraps her long tail around her legs - until she sees a toy and she off and playing and all the elegance is gone. Ha! They are very playful little girls, and they seems to really enjoy squeaky toys. They also like the purr pad that you made for them. One, or both, of them naps on it every day.
I'm working on a few more purr pads; I'll leave them at PetSmart in the next week or so. I'm using up scrap yarn that way, so some of the color combinations might get a little interesting, but the kitties won't mind. I’m glad to put all my extra yarn to good use.
Take care - and thanks for all that you do for kitties who need you!

Lennon & McCartney/Natalia & Carlos

Hi Cheri!

Both kittens are doing well, both at 7 pounds now. Macca is a sweet angel and Lennon is a little character! They both bring me "gifts" in bed. Lennon brings me sparkly balls and Macca brings me catnip mice. Macca especially likes to carry toys around, so I bought a lovely blue boa toy for her, complete with pink feathers and Lennon fell in love with it! He snatched it right up and wouldn't give Macca a chance to play with it! Sadly, it didn't last long. There were pink feathers and bits of blue boa scattered about the house a week or two later. One day, I'll have to buy him another one.

Anyway, a few more pics!!!

All the best,
Lisa Wagner

K.B. aka Sammy

My boyfriend and I adopted K.B. (a.k.a Sammy) at the end of September 2007. I was a little worried about bringing in another male cat with two other male cats in the home, but it turned out just fine.
We picked him out of a litter of four kittens. They were all cute and playful, but K. B. stole my boyfriend’s heart by being the first one to climb all over him. K.B never seemed scared when we brought him home or when he met the other two cats.
K.B. is a very affectionate cat that loves to have his belly rubbed. He likes to chase the laser pointer and the pointer on the computer screen. We made it through Christmas without him knocking over the Christmas tree after many attempts to climb it. K.B. has been a great addition to our happy cat family.
Thank you!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Cricket & Kringle

Hi, Lori Our family adopted a doggy & kitty on Feb. 23. Cricket came home with us, and so did a boy kitty named Kringle. Our new family settled in very quickly, and everybody is so happy! We wanted to send some photos so everyone can see how they're doing together. I don't have an email address for Jeana - she was Kringle's foster mom, I believe. If you have a way to forward the photos to her, we would love that! Cricket likes to be the center of attention and LOVES massages. She sleeps in our son's room - still in her pop-up-tent-style crate for awhile - but he loves it! She wants the kitty to play tug of war SO bad - so far he'll only do it with us, though. The one photo of Cricket by herself was actually taken after she'd been asleep for about 10 minutes...too funny!

Kringle likes being the lion of his kingdom. He likes to play chase with his doggy and run after tennis balls with her. He talks to us all the time and is VERY good at letting us know exactly what he's wanting! We have a plush St. Louis Blues throw blanket that has become his favorite since his first night with us. If he gets near it, he buries his face in it and kneads until he falls asleep. Thank You ALL for ALL You Do - These 2 animals were someone's precious babies before they came to Heartland. They are SO well behaved, and have WONDERFUL personalities!

Sincerely, and with Full Hearts,

Ron, Cristy, Kyle (dad, mom, and son), Cricket, and Kringle Follis

Friday, March 14, 2008



I am attaching several pictures of Monty. I don't know how clear they will be, as I am new to scanning. He is a WILD cat tonight...running, leaping off of the furniture, getting into everything. He is so much fun and so sweet. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have him in my life. You have done, and continue to do great things in this world.

Many Blessings,


Monday, March 3, 2008


I wanted to give you an update on Phoebe. She is put on some weight about 10 pounds worth :) We adopted her on Dec 1, 2007. She is so wonderful. My son and her are best buds :) and Ellie (our other dog) truly love each other. I have attached some photos if you would like to post them. I am so thankful we were able to adopt her. Thank you so much!
Christina Reece