Wednesday, April 16, 2008



I just wanted to drop a quick email to thank you for allowing us to adopt Nigel (formerly known as Gallant) back in Febuary of 2007. He has been a great addition to the household - he is a perfect dog. The moment we got him to the house - he knew he was home. He did a quick sniff around the house and promptly climbed into the love seat which is now 'his spot'. He will even use the throw pillows as his own.

He loves everyone, and will greet them at the door. He can be a little hesitant with men, but is perfect once he meets them. Even his veterinarian loves him.

We have discovered a cute trick he has developed. We bought him a few toys that have squeakers in them over the last year. He immediately will try to find the squeaker by hiting it with his nose! He does it to get us to play with him as well. He brings the toy over, drops it, squeaks it using his nose, and challenges us to chase him around the house.

Again, I want to thank you for choosing us to be his 'forever family'. He is a wonderful dog and we spoil him rotten as you can see in the pictures .

Attached are a few pictures that were taken over the last year.

Thank you,
Jason Preis

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